Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paris in Perspective

I baked some 'Vanishing Oatmeal Cookies' yesterday and afterwards I took a picture of them with a vanishing point, so naturellement it made me think of my photographs of Paris with a vanishing point.

I spotted this beautiful park next to the port des Champs-Elysees (right of Pont Alexandre III).
Look how beautiful it looks during autumn.

Me walking through the ever-so-pretty Galerie Véro-Dodat.
Tres jolie et romantique!

A very grande hall in Musée du Louvre.

At last, but not least: the Arc de Triomphe on avenue des Champs-Élysées, as seen from Place de la Concorde.

Au Revoir!


Little Emma English Home said...

Paris is charming at every season. I'm going this summer after four years and I can't wait. I missed "her" so much. thanks for these beautiful photos.

Champagne Macarons said...

Beautiful photos! My favourite city in the world ♥
Please visit my blog, I have something your you!

The Daily Connoisseur said...

Simply stunning. I remember fondly having a chocolat chaud in that hallway with the black and white checked floor! xo

Renate said...

Har dessverre ikke vært i Paris, men håper jeg får muligheten en dag...Det er så mange som er forelsket i denne byen, og det kan vel ikke være uten grunn. God helg!!

Anastasia Schembri said...

What lovely images, they make me want to run away to Paris!
Have a great weekend!

Elaine Leon said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely!!!!

BonjourRomance said...

I love every image.Congratulations on your award from Belle Vie @ Champagne & Macarons.

Vær våken said...

This makes me happy! Looove this city! Really nice picture of you walking through the galerie! Have a great weekend :)

xoxo, Kristin

The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

All the reason's Paris is the one place on earth everyone should go once before they die.
You take care.